E-Books are available using Overdrive.
To access Libby click here.
Instructions for how to access Libby from a computer
Instructionf for how to get started with Libby via an app
Power Library is a collection of databases that contain magazine and journal articles. Topics include: job resources, health information, newspapers, business information, and ebooks.

Chat with a Librarian is a helpful resource. Have a question? Experienced librarians are on hand to assist. They may be able to answer your question then and there, email information later, or suggest resources to explore.
Access for free tutorials on popular software items, such as Excel, how to use library resources, such as POWER Library, and workforce tutorials, including resume writing!

Sullivan County Historical Resources – Contains links to the county history, genealogy resources, and historical maps.

Learn to speak a foreign language for free! Use Transparent Language Online through PowerLibrary.
With Transparent Language Online you can:
- Learn any of the 120+ languages, including:
- American Sign Language
- English (ESL/ELL) learning content for speakers of over 30 languages
- 30+ endangered North American and world languages (with more added every year!)
- Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing/typing with interactive lessons and courses
- Build and maintain your vocab with vocab-focused lessons and a strategic review system that keeps it all fresh
- Learn anytime, anywhere with mobile apps that include offline and hands-free modes
- Explore a wide range of interests through courses focused on travel, workplace language, and beyond
Practice for college entrance exams, improve your math and English skills, write a resume in the career prep center, or practice for your GED. Just click here to begin. Once in Learning Express create your own account.

The Medicare Plans Patient Resource Center supports the families and loved ones of older adults and people with disabilities. We’re dedicated to providing access to affordable health care through educational programs, interactive resources, and functional tools. Our team of experts helps current and future Medicare patients build their understanding of Medicare while navigating the complex system. With an active community of patients, experts, and health care providers, we support the elderly and disabled communities with community-based education and actionable solutions for Medicare to address your health care needs.